This is D.Lao. He is not being punished. In fact, he literally asked to be put in this position. And, no, he's not some kind of strange masochist. When we were out last night, he asked Lee and me if we'd help make him over. He specifically mentioned that he'd been sporting the same 'do for the past 20 years and that he wouldn't mind a change. We wanted to work under the condition that he'd let us do anything we wanted to his hair, and he wholeheartedly agreed to the terms. OK, so he wasn't exactly what people would call, uh, sober when we talked about it all. Today, however, D.Lao's system was free of any decision-affecting elements (with the exception of trust and faith in two crazy girls), and he still decided to let us cut and style his hair.
We started with just a little trim in back and on the sides. (What's that in his eyes? Oh, I think it's called fear.)
A lot of hair product and a bit of shaping created the first look...
...the "FAUXHAWK"
Here's an aerial view.
Add in a little more twisting and mussing; and we're calling this one...
We cut a little more on top and re-shaped for the third look......the "CAESAR"
Lee came in at the end with the clippers for one, last look.
The reveal of D.Lao in his final form...
What's your fave?
He is cute--great job on the hair. What about the brows?
They need you magic too!
Shaved heads are irresistable! You see one and you just wanna rub it! DLao is HOT!
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