Thursday, June 8

Personality test - QUESTIONS

After talking to a couple of friends, I've decided to post the complete questions to this test. You can find results and instructions on how to communicate with each type in the prior post today. Note that most of us will bounce around to different personality types depending on the situation at hand, and there are also varying extremes.

Compare each set of statements. Then circle the letter S, O, I, or D to the left of the statement that best describes you most of the time in most situations, and with most people.

1. O - Easy to get to know personally in business or unfamiliar social environments.
S - More difficult to get to know personally in business or unfamiliar social environments.

2. S - Focus conversation on issues and tasks at hand; stay on subject.
O - Conversation reflects personal life experiences; may stray from business at hand.

3. I - Infrequent contributor to group conversations.
D - Frequent contributor to group conversations.

4. I - Tend to adhere to the Letter of the Law.
D - Tend to interpret the Spirit of the Law.

5. S - Make most decisions based on goals, facts, or evidence.
O - Make most decisions based on feelings, experiences, or relationships.

6. I - Infrequent use of gestures and voice intonation to emphasize points.
D - Frequently use gestures and voice intonation to emphasize points.

7. D - More likely to make emphatic statements like, "This is so!" "I feel..."
I - More likely to make qualified statements like, "According to my sources..."

8. O - Greater natural tendency toward animated facial expressions or observable body responses while speaking and listening.
S - More limited facial expressions or observable body responses while speaking and listening.

9. S - Tend to keep important personal feelings private; tend to share only when necessary.
O - Tend to be more willing to show or share personal feelings more freely.

10. S - Show less enthusiasm than the average person.
O - Show more enthusiasm than the average person.

11. D - More likely to introduce self to others at social gatherings.
I - More likely to wait for others to introduce themselves at social gatherings.

12. O - Flexible about how own time is used by others.
S - Disciplined about how own time is used by others.

13. S - Go with own agenda.
O - Go with the flow.

14. D - More naturally assertive.
I - More naturally reserved.

15. D - Express own views more readily
I - Reserve the expression of own opinions.

16. D - Naturally decide more quickly or spontaneously.
I - Naturally decide more slowly or deliberately.

17. S - Prefer to work independently or dictate the relationship conditions.
O - Prefer to work with others or be included in relationships.

18. I - Naturally approach risk or change more slowly or cautiously.
D - Naturally approach risk or change more quickly or spontaneously.

Take all of your O's and subtract the number of S's. (This is the vertical axis.)
Take all of your D's and subtract the number of I's. (This is the horizontal axis.)

Open +9
+1 Direct
-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9
Indirect -1

Connect your dots to see what you are, then read the prior post for the rest of the explanation.

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